Contact Details
Phone Number
Payment Details
Name on Account
Sort Code
Account Number
Your Details
National Insurance Number This is very important in getting your tax and benefits right
Surname or family name
First or given name(s)
Gender MaleFemaleOther
Date of Birth
Photo ID (Passport photo page or Driving License)
Photo (Portrait photo of your face, kept on file for reference)
If you're a non British citizen, then please attach proof showing that you have the right to work in the UK, this could be your border agency clearance page from your passport showing the number of hours you are permitted to work.
House or Flat Number
Street or Road Name
Your present circumstances
Please read all the following statements carefully and tick one that applies to you.
A – This is my first job since last 6 April and I have not been receiving taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit or a state or occupational pension.B – This is now my only job, but since last 6 April I have had another job, or have received taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance or Incapacity Benefit. I do not receive a state or occupational pension.C – I have another job or receive a state or occupational pension.If you left a course of Higher Education before last 6 April and received your first Student Loan instalment on or after 1 September 1998 and you have not fully repaid your student loan, tick box D. (If you are required to repay your Student Loan through your bank or building society account do not tick box D.)
I can confirm that this information is correct
Today's Date